1. General information

Name: World History

Code: 61IFIS2WHI

Compulsory subject: 61ESP1B2

Credit: 3

Course length: 150 hours

  1. Content description

World History gives students an overview of the world evolution from a historical perspective; build up the basis for historical, political, economic and social analysis skills for applying in more specialized content of international bachelor program.

World History will be taught in 15 sessions, which covers the world’s historical development perspectives and selected contents from Egypt – Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, China – Ancient India, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Enlightment, the industrial revolution and the First and Second World Wars.

  1. Objectives of the subject

At the end of the course, students may:

– Understand the basic issues of world development from ancient to modern time;

– Understand the role of technology, culture, religion, economics, politics in the development of history and the ravages and demise of nations;

– Understand and analyze historical issues from a cross-cultural perspective;

– Understand and analyze historical events from different angles, especially from the angle of politics – economics, research and development;

– Develop initial skills in specialized study, including reviewing, reading, summarizing and criticizing the contents of International Studies.

– After completing this program, students have a thorough understanding of the development of world history and have the capacity to discuss issues of world history from various angles;

– Students have the ability to analyze and evaluate historical events from the political, economic, cultural and social perspectives, research and development.

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