1. General information

Name: Development Theories

Code: 61DES2DET

Compulsory subject: 61ESP1B2

Credits: 3

Course length: 150 hours

  1. Content description

The subject introduces students to different theories in order to understand the concept of development, the variety of this process and the ways in which development occurs and who is positively and negatively affected in this process. This subject helps students explain the process of building a development model, understand the nature of development and its wide and various application in various fields such as policy, intervention projects, education, employment… This subject also investigates some models in Vietnam and international experiences applied to Vietnam.

  1. Objectives of the subject

At the end of the course, students may:

  • Explain the concept of development, development theories.
  • Analyze international experience on the development model of China, the US and Western Europe.
  • Apply development theory in Vietnam such as neoclassical, interdependence and postmodern theory.
  • Improve skills to write research reports independently and in groups; and critical thinking skills.
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