1. General information

Name: Comparative Political System

Code: 61IFIS2CPS

Compulsory subject: 61ESP1B2

Credit: 3

Course length: 150 hours

  1. Content description

This course will provide a course on “Comparative Political Studies.” This course introduces students to contemporary politics to study comparative politics. The subject examines key concepts and processes characteristic of politics, such as state, nation, democracy and civil society and then delves into the specific elements and institutions of modern political system.

The organization of this course weighs its goals and results to make students understand the world’s political system with advantages and disadvantages. The course covers basic concepts, approaches, theories, principles and major issues in the study of political systems. This is a comprehensive comparative study of the main political system in the countries. Comparative political system is to build a set of new approaches such as common frameworks for analyzing and comparing political systems and their roles in developing generalizations and practical theories in the contemporary world.

The subject will examine fundamental concepts, important approaches and processes in comparative politics with particular interest in enhancing students’ ability to express strengths and weaknesses of different approaches in each political system. The course will help students understand the scope of research in the political system (structure and function). This subject provides knowledge with anticipatory and empirical development that pass through the theory, meanwhile critical thinking is an important skill for students to continue to develop. The study will focus on the ability to use key concepts included in the research process to analyze current political issues in comparative political systems. After the course, students are able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, which is one of the most desired outcomes of the learning process in general. In this course, the instructor considers how to introduce new theories and events to students so they can understand clearly and manipulate in practice.

This subject examines the political realities in typical countries around the world. The study also examines how people behave in political life. Studying some of the most important fields of comparative politics, the course focuses on the fundamental institutions of the mechanism: the structures and processes of political systems.

  1.  Objectives of the subject

This subject aims to provide students with a good understanding of the methods of political comparison and the concepts and terminology in political systems. This subject aims to equip students with tools and concepts to better understand the changing nature of political systems, help them develop the analytical and critical thinking skills needed to understand the development in the modern political world and create the basis for further research. The proposed subject allows students to become more active so they can develop political ideals of Vietnamese Communist Party and participate in political life more effectively to implement legal policies.

After completing the subject, students will have a basic understanding of the theories and problems of comparative politics;

Moreover, students can apply the knowledge that they have learned in the study of other subjects while being able to apply it in practice.

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