1. General information

Name: International Law

Code: 61IFIS3INL

Compulsory subject: 61IFIS2WHI

Credit: 3

Course length: 150 hours

  1. Content description

International Law is a specialized legal science, which provides basic theoretical knowledge of the international legal system. The course introduces students to the basic knowledge of international law in order to understand the concepts and terminology of international law, subjects involved in international legal relations, international relations that this law adjusts; basic principles of international law; types of sources of international law; basic skills in negotiating, drafting and implementing international treaties in relations between nations; the fundamental issues of the nation – the most important subject of international law and the issues of population, territory, international disputes and international settlement.

  1.  Objectives of the subject

– Provide students with the basis of international law including (legal knowledge about the country, nationality, borders, territory, international disputes and basic principles for resolving disputes).

– Understand basic knowledge such as the source of international law, nation, nationality, territorial boundaries and international disputes.

– Have ability to analyze the provisions of international law in order to understand the spirit of the law so it can be applied to deal with international legal relations.

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