Speech by an Alumni (IS08) on the Occasion of 10-year Anniversasy of the Faculty of International Studies

Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen:My name is Le Thanh Hang, a student of the Faculty of International Studies, Hanoi University, class of 2011. It is my great pleasure to participate in this celebration and address this speech on behalf of all alumni to congratulate the Faculty on its 10th Anniversary. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my gratitude to all Faculty members, especially my beloved teachers who left a big influence on my life.During four years studying at the Faculty of International Studies, my friends and I were taught, cared and loved much more than we had expected. Coming back to the Faculty after graduation as a teaching assistant, I realize day by day that entailed in each and every lecture are your enthusiasm and strong passion to transfer all your expertise and motivation to students.You also encourage us and create the best conditions for us to learn from reality through a range of extra curriculum activities, exchange programs with international students, or internship programs. Thanks to those opportunities, we sharpen our knowledge and skills while growing up in a more comprehensive way. You, like the parents who always wish for their children’s success, also wish for our mounting excellence so that we would contribute better to the country. And we, though sometimes lazy or stubborn, do really understand and respect what you have done for us. We are always thankful for that. It is not to mention how friendly and close you are to us in faculty parties, which makes FIS a big family in our heart.After graduation, each of us has a path of career, which may widely vary in all sectors of the economy. The professional requirements are therefore sharply different. However, I believe and I’m confident that the knowledge and skills we acquired at FIS, especially soft skills, firm political-socio-economic background, critical thinking and methodology, would help us overcome all challenges with flying colors and get along well soon with new settings.Many of my peers have found their ideal jobs which suit their capability and interest. Some of them are working at UN Organizations or International NGOs such as UN Habitat, Save the Children, SNV, ChildFund, etc. Some try their luck at multinational corporations and others are pursuing higher education abroad. As far as I am concerned, many of my seniors have achieved even much bigger success, despite the tough economic conditions and depressed labor market in Vietnam. I strongly believe that the satisfaction of employers and our success are the most accurate measures of the Faculty’s achievements during the past 10 years. Therefore, on behalf of all students in the Faculty, I promise that we will try better and better so that we would have more successful stories to tell you in the next 10, 20 years. That’s how we will answer your wishes and send you our best thanks.On the 10th Anniversary of the Faculty of International Studies, I would like to wish you good health and luck. I wish the Faculty stronger movements and bigger success. We, the students, will be the ones who build up the Faculty’s reputation and introduce it to the world, because it is our honor and pride to be students at FIS.Now I would like to share some words with my juniors who are still studying at FIS. Dear brothers and sisters, as FIS is our Family, if there is only one thing that I can share with you today, I really hope that you will respect and utilize every single moment of your remaining student life and make it count. These would be invaluable experiences, you will see. Take it as it comes and you will find yourself in success soon.Thank you so much for your listening.I wish the Celebration to be crown of success!

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